Compact the Soil with a Roller and Vibrator

Small and large steamroller

For most building projects it is necessary to first compact the soil on which the building is to be carried out. More precisely: For the statics and stability of the project, properly carried out compaction is extremely important. Cavities that lie underground are compacted by the soil – by pressure – reduced or completely eliminated. Water and air are also largely “pressed” out of the ground. The process of compacting…

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Renovating the Bathroom

Renovating the bathroom on your own

Renovating the bathroom can certainly be done by some. But if you want it to look good, you need to plan with hand and foot. Bathroom renovation on your own A bathroom renovation is not an easy thing to do. Here, one must and must carefully consider which work steps are necessary and what exactly should be done, because decisions once made can often no longer be easily reversed afterwards.…

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